Wagner Campaign Releases New Television Ad: “Auctioneer”

Spot Contrasts Home Foreclosures Under Wolf With School Tax Elimination Under Wagner

The Wagner for Governor campaign continued its final television advertising blitz today by releasing a new commercial that makes clear the difference between Scott Wagner and Tom Wolf on taxes. The 30 second spot contrasts Wolf’s desire to increase taxes with Wagner’s commitment to cutting them.

“The decision facing voters on November 6th  is very simple,” said Campaign Manager Jason High. “If Pennsylvanians want a governor who will try to  impose record tax increases and who will refuse to eliminate school property taxes then they should give Tom Wolf four more years. But if they want a Governor who will lower taxes on employers and eliminate school property taxes then Scott Wagner is the only choice in this race.”

Earlier this week Wagner placed a television ad buy of over $750,000 on three spots illustrating how he will lower taxes and health care costs.

Watch “Auctioneer” HERE.


AUDIO: Auctioneer

SCOTT WAGNER: That’s the sound of another home being lost to unpaid school taxes.

AUDIO: Auctioneer

SCOTT WAGNER: I’m Scott Wagner and when I’m governor I will eliminate the school taxes on your home. Tom Wolf wants to raise your taxes. I’ll cut your taxes. And I want to be clear. I’ll never tax your retirement.

AUDIO: Auctioneer

SCOTT WAGNER: Instead, I’ll make Pennsylvania more affordable so you can stay in your home.